
Click below for the latest Newsletter

A fleeting and sleeting summer(!) so far BGC NL Jun 2024

Sun is shining, but the nights are cold BGC NL May 2024

And still the rain continues and continues and… BGC NL Apr 2024

Spring has officially arrived, so let’s hope it is a lot drier than the winter! BGC NL Mar 2024

After a month of storms, snowdrops still appear BGC NL Feb 24

A New Year with the same old rain BGC NL Jan 24

It is not exactly digging weather these days NL Dec 2023


Let’s hope November is a bit drier! BGC NL Nov 23

So Agnes missed us but still a wet September BGC NL Oct 2023

There’s no such thing as a guilt-free glass of wine in the garden BGC NL Aug BOS 2023

Wild and woolly gardens BGC NL Aug 23

End of the season BGC NL Jun EOS 2023

Likely to be the hottest day of the year … so far BGC NL Jun 23

Cold nights, sunny mornings for late April BGC NL May 23

The garden is full of promise BGC NL Apr 2023

Gardens coming back to life BGC NL Mar 2023

Snowdrops and daylight herald a new spring BGC NL Feb 23

The rain looks the same as last year! BGC NL Jan 23

On a foggy, late November morning BGC NL Dec 22

Rain, rain, sun, wind, warmth and an eclipse BGC NL Nov 22

Dark mornings dark evenings but still cutting grass! Newsletter Oct 2022

“It is officially now autumn” Newsletter September 2022

“Lovely summer days and days of rain”  Newsletter August 2022

“Sun and rain, lots, excellent for weeds” Newsletter  May 2022

“Exciting times in the garden and the Club” Newsletter April 2022

“Beautiful sunshine” Newsletter March 2022

“Dudley and Eunice visited and we await Franklin, Gladys and Herman” Newsletter February 2022

“Mild, mild winter……so far” Newsletter January 2022

“Meeting on Wednesday 12 January 2022 @ 19.30” Newsletter January 2022

“A short note on the shortest day!” Newsletter December 2021

“Only 34 days until daylight starts to lengthen” Newsletter November 2021

“It’s awfy dreich, but enjoy the autumn colours!” Newsletter October 2021

“Autumn is coming and so are the vaccines!” Newsletter September 2021

“A New Season Beckons” Newsletter August 2021

“The Summer Recess is Ending” Newsletter July 2021

“Fragile steps to normality” Newsletter May 2021

“Titbits of freedom are appearing” Newsletter April 2021

“Who would have thought a year ago……” Newsletter March 2021

“And which vaccine have you had?” Newsletter February 2021

“And so it goes on…..” Newsletter January 2021

“Restricted Jingle Bells” Newsletter December 2020

“Tier 3 or Tier 4 or just tears!” Newsletter November 2020

“Back to Increasing Confinement in the exercise yard” Newsletter October 2020

“Parole Suspended” Newsletter September 2020

“The Era of Zoom” Newsletter August 2020

“Out on Parole” Newsletter July 2020

“Milngavie in Blooming Lockdown 2020”

“Slow Release Newsletter” July 2020

BGC Newsletter No 6 June 2020

BGC Newsletter No 5 June 2020

BGC Newsletter No 4 May 2020